Saturday, October 8, 2011

I still can't believe im the no. 1 winner...

 Hello, sorry its been long since my last post, i'll get to the details of that one later, but I'd like to share with you my big happiness, that im the winner of this competition Fashion ARt 2011, to which I subscribed in March and never thought I could actually become the first price winner of it. It was a fashion illustration contest and my big price is a scholarship for the fashion illustrator course at Fashion Ground Academy - Italy.
Next year I'll be in Italy, yepeeeeee!!!!:D
P.S. My correct name is LATCU not LACTU, but well the guys that wrote it on the poster got it a bit wrong, but its ok.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

New collection on the way!!!!!

29 June 2011- the day i'm going to present my new collection!
The project for my MA degree (proiect disertatie)

Location Galeria Mansarda  - Facultatea de Arte si Design, Timisoara
beginning with 10 am!
You are invited!
( Sunteti invitati sa participati la eveniment!
va astept!)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A bit of ART Nouveau

The following drawings are two compositions I made in my second year of college in Art Nouveau style. We had to draw a whole series of this compositions but this two are the ones I most like, soo hope you like them too!!! :D